Content Writing

Content Writing

Benefits with Boss Ur Self

Content Writing

Starting From

05 July 2023

Payment Plan

One Time


6 weeks


Online & Onsite

Pakistani Student: 25,000 PKR

International Student: 130 USD

Class Timing: To be Mutually Decided with Students

Content Writing & Its Benefits

Content Writing is a skill that lets you paint a picture with your words to get the reader’s attention. “Content is King” and a unique, and engaging SEO optimized content leads to the remarkable success of websites or companies on the internet. It helps you generate traffic and earn long-term profits. Content writing is not a rocket science, you just need careful planning, research, and writing techniques to rule this kingdom. We have arranged a comprehensive course that will help you make your blogs, and websites sparkle.

Career of Content Writers

Scope of Content Writing is at its full boom. Businesses are growing and to show their presence worldwide, they need writers for social media marketing. Either you work as a freelancer or a full-time content writer, you have multiple opportunities in this digital era.

What will be Learning in This course

In this “Content Writing” Course, we will teach you some cutting-edge and modern techniques for general SEO content writing, as well as Amazon A+ content writing. You will also learn how to use significant tools to help you rank in search results whether its about Google or Amazon. By learning this course, you will realize how to transform yourself into a masterful writer within a couple of weeks.


Module Breakdown

Now…here’s something SUPER EXCITING that we have to share with you…

This is a complete overview of the actions you will take while building your business with the Boss Ur Self.

1 Introdction to Content Writing

  • Forms Of Content Writing
    • Article/Blog Writing
    • SEO Writing
    • Ghost Writing
    • Affiliate Content Writing
    • Product Content Writing
  • Difference Between Content Writing, Creative Writing & Copy Writing.
  • How Content Writing Works For Different Forms.
  • Significant Elements And Strategies To Write A Killer Content.

2 How to Write Spellbinding Articles That Stand out

  • What Is Keyword. Types Of Keywords
  • “Keyword Research” Using Tools
  • How To Place Keywords In Title, Body, Summary, And Meta Description Of Content To Rank It High
  • How To Write User-Friendly Content.
  • Writing Secrets To Make Your Narratives, Paragraphs, Sentences & Words Stand Out
  • How To Get Royalty Free Images To Add In Your Content
  • Mistakes To Avoid While Writing Engaging Content
  • Practical Demo Of Writing An Article

3 SEO Writing How to Rank Your Articles on Serps

  • Basics Of SEO
    • What Are Search Engines And How Do They Work?
  • How To Write SEO-Friendly Content
    • Keyword Density
    • How To Get Links From High DA Websites
    • How To Insert Internal & External Links
    • How To Check Your Content For Grammar
    • How To Write Plagiarism-Free Content
  • On Page SEO
    • How Yoast SEO Plugin (In WordPress) Works?
    • Title And Meta Description Optimization
    • Headers And URL Optimization
    • Image Optimization
  • Demo On Website About How To Perform On-Page SEO
  • Sourcing From Alibaba
  • Sourcing From Walmart, Amazon And AliExpress
  • Understanding ETSY Fee
  • Calculate Profit Margins On ETSY Via In House Built ETSY Calculator

4 Blog Writing

  • How To Select A Niche For Your Blog?
  • How To Select A Topic For Your Blog Post?
  • How To Write A Blog Post And Publish It Free Of Cost
  • How To Earn Money From Blogging?
    • Google AdSense. How Does It Work?
    • Affiliate Marketing
  • Practical Session

5 Different Ways to Publish Your Articles/Blog Posts (Free of Cost)

  • How To Create Your Free Blog On Blogger.Com And Publish Your Article?
  • How To Make Your Articles Published As A “Guest Post.”
  • How To Publish Your Articles On “Medium.Com.”
  • How To Create Free Website On WordPress To Keep A Record Of Your Samples

6 Affiliate Content Writing

  • Main Tools Required For Keyword Research
  • How To Find Golden Keywords To Rank High On Amazon Search Results
  • Product Listing Creation
  • How To Efficiently Use Keywords In Title, Bullet Points, Product Description, And Backend Search Terms?
  • Amazon Listing Optimization And SEO
  • Practical Session

7 Product Content Writing for Amazon

  • Main Tools Required For Keyword Research
  • How To Find Golden Keywords To Rank High On Amazon Search Results
  • Product Listing Creation
  • How To Efficiently Use Keywords In Title, Bullet Points, Product Description, And Backend Search Terms?
  • Amazon Listing Optimization And SEO
  • Practical Session

8 EBC & A+ Content Creation

  • Main Tools Required For Keyword Research
  • How To Find Golden Keywords To Rank High On Amazon Search Results
  • Product Listing Creation
  • How To Efficiently Use Keywords In Title, Bullet Points, Product Description, And Backend Search Terms?
  • Amazon Listing Optimization And SEO
  • Practical Session

9 Show Your Presence Worldwide As a Freelnacer

  • Fiverr Account Creation
    • GIG Creation And Optimization
  • Upwork Profile Creation And Optimization
    • Upwork Winning Proposal Tips
  • Exercise:
    • Create Your Fiverr Account
    • Set Up A Gig
    • Create Your Upwork Profile

Ready To Take The First Step To A Successful Career?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I contribute to Boss Ur Self as a student?

Boss Ur Self values student contributions. If you have valuable insights, tips, or experiences you’d like to share, you can contact the Boss Ur Self team and inquire about contributing as a student writer or guest blogger.

Can I engage with the Boss Ur Self community?

Absolutely! Engaging with the Boss Ur Self community is encouraged. You can participate in discussions, comment on articles, and share your thoughts and perspectives. Your active involvement contributes to a vibrant and supportive community of students.

How can I stay updated with new content on Boss Ur Self?

To stay updated with the latest content on Boss Ur Self, you can subscribe to the website’s newsletter. By subscribing, you will receive regular emails featuring new articles, guides, and resources. You can also follow Boss Ur Self on social media platforms for updates.

How can a student maintain a balanced life outside of work?

To maintain an appropriate balance between work and life as a student, set boundaries and prioritize self-care. Manage your time effectively by creating a balanced schedule. Learn to say no, delegate tasks, and seek support when needed. Take breaks, pursue hobbies, and maintain a healthy perspective on academic and personal goals.

How can Boss Ur Self help me as a student?

Boss Ur Self offers a wide range of resources to help you excel academically, develop essential skills, explore career options, and enhance your personal growth. You can access articles, guides, and interactive tools that provide valuable insights, tips, and advice.